28. & 29.06.2020



Innovation Contest hosted by Leaguer Group, Medical Valley & Convergence Partners


The top seven finalists are honored with cash prices (within all of the three sectors).

Prices are:
800.000 RMB (1st)
500.000 RMB (2nd)
300.000 RMB (3rd)
100.000 RMB each (4-7th)

The A-TEC is an innovation contest hosted by the Shenzhen Municipal Government. With this contest we are collecting excellent projects from all around the globe covering five divisions. The goal is to explore groundbreaking innovations within the sectors: AI, cyberspace and biotechnology.


This is how it works:

25 European innovative Tech companies have the chance to pitch their work and their ideas at the contest in June. Ten participants will the be invited to the finale in Shenzhen.

Due to the current Covid-19 circumstances, our pitch event will now take place in a virtual form.


Why the A-TEC CHINA CHALLENGE is such a great chance for companies

The pitch contest allows innovative tech companies to actively matchmake with leading Chinese companies, the government and investors.
The participants are receiving great growth funding opportunities and internationalization support with Leaguer, Convergence Partners, and Medical Valley. It enables long term strategic partnerships for China market entry and scaling as well. The winners of the contest will be traveling to Shenzhen, China’s no.1 tech hub at the end of this year. The application process is closed. This month we are selecting the 25 candidates that are going to have the chance to take part at our virtual pitch contest on June 28th & June 29th. Making this event happen in a virtual form is bringing some advantages with it too. All participants can pitch their ideas without having to travel to Erlangen for the contest.

We are looking forward to this event and all participants presenting us their tech innovations.

Please send an email to to register. You will then receive a Registration Form and a Participation Statement.

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